This project was born during the Exploring Technology module at Hyper Island. The theme was "Illuminated immersion". The aim of the assignment was for us to explore technological components and challenge their use in creating prototypes for the interactive installation of a product, a service or a game (all with an emphasis on creativity, exploration, and fun, rather than on business development).

The project tries to represent the Chaos with the LED motion. Inspired by the movie Tron, we adapted Ping Pong to bring it into the net. Using an Arduino with motion sensors and pressure sensors on the paddle we detected the actions of the game. Then this information was transmitted to a computer with a Python script that twitted each hit or miss (net). This would be the Chaos on the net.

To create the Chaos by means of the LED in motion, we created a pair of suits, one for each player, in two different colors: red and blue. These suits were connected to the paddles as well, so they would blink with each hit. The project was a complete success and, after some people loved playing, 4 twitter accounts were blocked due to overactivity twitting.

  • Category: Art Work
  • Client: Hyper Island
  • Delivered: 2013
  • Role: Software & Hardware Eng.