Our task was change the conversation from the size of the Optus Network, to what it can do to improve people’s lives.

Australia has four times more fatal shark attacks than any other country. Yet our shark defence methods haven’t changed in over 60 years. So what if we could use the power of the Optus Network to protect our beachgoers and our sharks?

Clever Buoy is a world-first smart ocean buoy calibrated to detect sharks, using sonar to read their unique movement and wake, and send instant alerts to lifeguards. These real-time messages are transferred using Optus’ Inmarsat satellite, and the data is shared with scientists and Google researchers. An innovation partnering two of our clients. After a successful prototype launch, commercial Clever Buoys are now in development

  • Category: Innovation
  • Client: Optus
  • Delivered: 2014
  • Role: Intern